Book An Appointment 0863529164


Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment to encourage the natural onset of labour. Acupuncture stimulates contractions, dilates the cervix and aims to promote an efficient labour by invigorating and descending a women’s energy to allow the baby to be born.

I find that women call in for appointments close to and post term. From 40 weeks onward’s, from my experience, I recommend having a treatment 2-3 times in the week. Acupuncture can can often facilitate the initiation of contractions. In some cases, one treatment is sufficient, but more commonly, 2-3 treatments are required to sustain contractions. Everyone is different in terms of how they respond.

Acupuncture is also great here if you are feeling stressed. or anxious.

A complete assessment will be carried out to see what is causing the blood stagnation. I will also speak to you about diet, lifestyle choices. I will also complete an Acugraph assessment on each visit to monitor the progress.

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